About Pharo

Pharo is a minimal, elegant, pure, reflective object language (and fully open-source).

  • Yes, in Pharo, everything is an object, without exception.
  • Yes, the entirety of Pharo's syntax fits in a postcard.
  • Yes, we often write code directly in the debugger, and Pharo is equipped with exceptional tools designed to enhance your productivity and efficiency significantly.

For a deeper insight, consider exploring the section on what developing with Pharo entails.


Pharo's goal is to deliver a clean, innovative, free, and open-source immersive environment. Here is the to be revised Pharo vision document.

By providing a stable and small core system, excellent developing tools, and maintained releases, Pharo is an attractive platform to build and deploy mission-critical applications.

Pharo fosters a healthy ecosystem of both private and commercial contributors who advance and maintain the core system and its external packages.

Pharo features

  • A dynamic, pure, reflective object-oriented programming language in the tradition of Smalltalk
  • An IDE (integrated development environment)
  • A huge library and set of external packages

Check the great page Feature explained

Pharo and Business

The goal of Pharo is to sustain and grow business around Pharo.

Pharo is open-source

Pharo is a fully open-source project released under the MIT license. People around the world contribute to Pharo. You can find here the pre git contributors

Do not forget to sign the license agreement


For more information, do not hesitate to contact board@pharo.org.

The board

Pharo has a board composed of Marcus Denker, Stephane Ducasse, Sven Van Caekenberghe, Norbert Hartl, Guille Polito and Esteban Lorenzano.

The role of the board is to take decisions if in the future the community can't decide on a course of action.
