Call for project ideas Google Summer of Code
As Pharo community we are postulating to Google Summer of Code 2023. We would like to have new brand ideas for this new edition! We would like to know if there are people in the community that have some cool project ideas :)
If you have an idea.s, don’t hesitate to share it/them with us. If you have an idea but you don’t have the time to be a mentor for it, it is not a problem! We can find other mentors. And if you have an idea and you are willing to be a mentor that would be even better! Being a mentor only requires you to have a weekly 30 min meeting with your student to supervise that the work is going in the desired direction.
You will need to provide: a) a project title b) detailed description of the project (2-5 sentences) c) expected outcomes d) skills required/preferred (optional) f) expected size of project medium or large.
Please send suggestions to
Cheers, Sebastian Jordan on behalf of the Pharo Consortium